If your on this page, its probely be couse you didn't enter your DNS currently or because you NVR/DVR is offline. Please do not call us till you have followed these steps.
Your DDNS should be Yourdomain:9000
1. Restart Modem Router and NVR/DVR equipment.
Take out Modem and router Power Cable for 60 sec, Plug in Modem wait 45 sec, Plug in router, wait 45 sec, Now plug in NVR/DVR If 5 min passes and your still dont have accese please go to step 2.2. Set ports on your router.
Login into your router, (Ushaly 192.168.x.1) And go to advance, Port Forwarding, and add these settings.Name Http_NVR Port 9000 Direct To NVR/DVR IP (192.168.x.x)
Name Phone_NVR Port 8000 Direct To NVR/DVR IP (192.168.x.x)
Name RTC_NVR Port 554 Direct To NVR/DVR IP (192.168.x.x)
Name Https_NVR Port 443 Direct To NVR/DVR IP (192.168.x.x)
Restart Router wait 45 sec and restart NVR/DVR and check if your URL/DDNS works.
Please note if you have Optumum Please replace the router as there are known issues with them ports.